Aury & James, Australia

Helena & Andre, USA

Hi dear ladies!


Be ready, I am sending you my essay "How I spent my wedding" :))):


Happy Moments Collector is a team of by far the most professional and talented wedding planners in Italy. Whether you’re looking for an intimate celebration or you’ll have world class pop singers performing at your wedding, the HMC team would make sure the event is perfectly planned and executed. We couldn’t have asked for a better team than Anastasia and Daria who made sure that together with our guests and families, we were left in awe from the whole production and perfect meticulous execution of the wedding.


As we started planning our destination wedding in Italy (based out of the US), I’ve been looking for planners for a while and was lucky to be introduced to Anastasia through a friend. She was able to help resolve my doubts and concerns of picking a place at a short notice without even seeing it and shared valuable insights on the budget estimates and possible venues before we even signed the contract. That really helped earn my trust which only grew from there. Her advice and in-depth knowledge of the venues and vendors throughout Italy has largely contributed to the success of our event. In a matter of weeks we were able to secure a beautiful villa, photo/video/make-up artists, and much more. Together with her talented and responsive colleague Daria, they worked tirelessly to make all the arrangements, answer my endless emails and have our midnight planning calls (accounting for the time-zone difference), negotiate on my behalf to make sure we received exactly what was needed (Daria, your patience and support deserves a separate big shout-out!) and give me the much needed peace of mind.


Most importantly, on the Day – they were organized, prepared, invisible, and at the same time omnipresent. All guests noted how smoothly everything ran and how well they managed all the vendors in fluent Italian (and there were a LOT of vendors and activities, from building the dance floor to navigating floral installations to securing garden furniture rentals, to even overseeing the course of speeches, and much more).


A few months after we started working together, we made a trip to Lake Como to tour the villa and do the food tasting. When we met with Anastasia and Daria, it felt like we were old friends reunited in a cozy Como café. I really appreciated the time both of them spent answering our every question, brainstorming new ideas together, and sharing their invaluable experience on what works and what doesn’t. They’ve lived in Italy and have been working in this industry for a long time, making them real experts in their métier. The insights they have are impossible to find in a wedding forum or a venue’s website, it only comes from years of working, testing, learning, iterating, and finally perfecting. We also really enjoyed meeting the florist Maurizio they invited and seeing him draw out the ceremony florals live on an iPad overlaying the actual photo from the villa. It felt like our plans and dreams are finally coming to live. Little did we know that our wildest expectations would be exceeded tenfold by the whole wedding planning team.


I couldn’t recommend Happy Moments Collector enough. Thank you for all your hard work and keeping the highest possible standards. We loved working with you and hope to celebrate more happy occasions together in the future!


Possibly the best compliment to the work of our wedding planners came from my husband (who was only involved in the big decisions of the event and was mainly secretly looking forward to the honeymoon) – he said he never knew a groom could have so much fun at his own wedding. And that it was by far the best day in his life. :) It takes a LOT to have him say that. Some of our guests mentioned it was the best trip of their lives and the most magical wedding they’ve ever been to. This made us incredibly happy. Thank you!


P.S. Note for those contemplating if you need a wedding planner (as I naively did at the beginning). The answer is quite simple – if you want to make sure your guests are happy and taken care of, if you want a successful quality event, and if you want some peace of mind, you’ll absolutely need a wedding planner. It’s practically impossible to organize a destination wedding in Italy without a team on the ground – communication gets broken down, vendors don’t like to work without a trusted planner and most importantly, there’s no way to know who’s actually good (even if you look at the list of vendors on Instagram). Finally, on the Day of the wedding, you simply don’t have the time for an endless coordination (morning, makeup artists, aperitif, guest arrival, boats/cars/transfers/parking, builders, florists, caterers, musicians, etc. etc. etc.). Bottom line, you need a planner, but not any planner, you need to find someone who is a perfectionist, who will be able to represent your interests throughout the planning process and own the execution on the day. I couldn’t be any happier with the work of Happy Moments Collector who did exactly that.

Jelena & Andre

Farinaz & Navid, USA

Anastasia, Daria

This is SO long overdue, but as you know life unfortunately got a bit hectic right after the wedding. But now that everything is, fortunately, under control, we wanted to take a sincere moment and say THANK YOU from the very bottom of our hearts.

You both are simply incredible as people and at what you do. I remember not necessarily wanting a wedding when Navid and I got engaged and for many months thereafter. I’m so crazy in love with him, but also equally private and given my mother’s absence wasn’t sure I could or would even enjoy planning a wedding alone with the level of perfection I demand in all parts of my life. While my father and Navid both pushed and promised me everything I could wish and even more (yes, I recognize how absurdly lucky I am), it was when I met you both that I really saw it as something I could literally do. I wasn’t sure if Como was going to be the location, but I did know somehow you two were going to plan our wedding somewhere. 

Almost everyone at the wedding recalls it as a dream...and it really was, our perfect dream come true. You brought it all to life with effortless and flawless elegance as if it was your own wedding. I spend nearly everyday daydreaming, looking at photographs or your videos reliving it all. I never thought I’d be that girl, but I couldn't be happier looking back. Out of all the many decisions we made from the unbelievable location and the incredible vendors, you were honestly the single best one out of it all. Most all of our family and friends have told us that it was the best wedding they’ve ever been to (which is saying a lot) and that is an ode to you as much as it is to us. 

We wish you every single bit of success in the future and have zero doubt this is just the beginning for you both. It’s been such a PLEASURE and I already really miss working with you both. You made not only the wedding amazing, but the entire process with your input and vision. 

And everything mentioned above was what we felt about the wedding, not after when my dad got hurt. My instant instinct when I got the terrible news was to call you and somehow you could help. Nadia is quite simply an ANGEL ON EARTH. I’ll never ever forget her kindness and humanity. If strangers and people were as kind as she was, the world would be a MUCH MUCH better and kinder place. And this is all such an understatement.

I don’t know if words will ever do justice to how I feel about our wedding and you both, but I hope this letter gives you a glimpse into our appreciation for everything. We now consider you life friends/family and plan on an annual trip to Como where we will demand at minimum dinner with you both despite the very exclusive weddings you’ll be planning. 

So much love,

Navid and Fari

Guram & Lika, Georgia

Дорогие! Родные!


Я наконец-то взял телефон в руки, думаю, что готов написать вам и понимаю, что нет, не готов... но при этом понимаю, что я никогда, наверное, не найду достойных слов выразить вам благодарность. Ведь вы превратили нашу многолетнюю мечту в реальность... 

Вы сделали ее еще более красивой, чем я это себе мог представить. Это не просто красивые слова. Думаю, вы поняли, что если мне что-то не нравится, я особо не церемонюсь и сразу говорю, есть у меня такой недостаток...

Я, правда, в восторге от всего, что мы натворили! И, я думаю, главный секрет всего этого (помимо вашего гипер профессионализма каждого в отдельности и вместе как команды) - тот самый guli*, с которым вы подошли к этому мероприятию! Будто вы делали это для себя, своего брата, сына, кого вы там еще любите?))) 

Мои гости до сих пор звонят и не находят слов! 

Все отмечают, как можно было продумать так досконально каждый элемент!!! Даже мужчины прослезились на шоу!!!!! 


Девочки хотят замуж второй раз и необязательно за тех же мужей, главное чтобы свадьба была такая!!!))))

В общем, мои дорогие Ася, Даша, Надя, сказать спасибо - ничего не сказать! Но, все-таки, разрешите выразить вам скромную благодарность за все, что вы сделали для меня и моей семьи!

Со своей стороны, я могу вам сказать, что мы с Ликой ваши искренние друзья теперь навсегда, и мне не терпится, когда предоставится возможность, как-то, где-то отблагодарить вас и, я думаю, мы это сделаем большой дружной командой! 

Вся, я заканчиваю, пока не прослезился окончательно.

Всегда ваш капризный, но верный жених Гурам ❤


*(Guli - по-грузински любовь, сердце, а также первые буквы имен жениха и невесты)

Guram & Lika

Courtney & Anthony, USA

Anastasia & Daria,

I'm writing to say thank you for planning the wedding of our dreams!

From beginning to end you and your team are true professionals. A destination wedding can sometimes be chaotic but we're still receiving compliments from our guests on the wedding and how seamless it ran. We are so grateful that we had your guidance and assistance along the journey. It would not have been possible without you both. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of our hearts! 

Now that the season is over I hope you're both enjoying time with your families. Wishing you both all of the best.

Courtney & Anthony

Regina & Sergey, Russia

Взрослые тоже верят в сказки... Вернее, не верят, а создают их сами... Мы счастливы, что те "картинки", что мы видели во сне, то, о чем мечтали - смогли сбыться этим летом...


Была бы возможна наша Сказка без вас? Настоящие, красивые, талантливые профессионалы своего дела... Именно вы написали, сочинили и нарисовали наше волшебство - 28 июля.


Спасибо большое нашим итальянским друзьям @happy.moments.collector - Асеньке @anastasia_asl и ее команде. Без вас наш праздник бы не состоялся! Год подготовки - это огромный труд, за который мы говорим свое искреннее и Огромное Спасибо!!!

Regina & Sergey

Sveta & Mirco, Hong-Kong

Hi girls!


Mamma mia we are still so excited after yesterday! And all our guests !!!!!


This day was 100000000 times better than I could imagine it! Better than a dream, the most magical day with our dear families and friends, filled with love, laughter and tears of happiness! 


We don’t have enough words to thank you enough. So many compliments for you from our families and friends!


❤ thank you so much!

Sveta & Mirco

Daria & Vladimir, Russia

Дарья Клюкина (невеста) / Daria Klyukina (bride):

"Мы готовились полгода. Я вникала во все детали и получала настоящие удовольствие от процесса, а сейчас смотрю на это белоснежное поле цветов и понимаю, каким удачным был этот выбор."


Яна Рудковская (гость) / Yana Rudkovskaya (guest):

"Это - самая стильная свадьба за всю мою историю, а видела, как Вы понимаете, много чего, ребата. Даша, @klyukina_d, Володя, у Вас самая стильная и самая креативная свадьба!!! Ну, и конечно, контент от Димы Билана @bilanofficial и Николая Баскова @nikolaibaskov в этот фантастический день был как нельзя в кассу!"


Дима Билан (гость) / Dima Bilan (guest):

"Красиво, душевно, тепло, искренне! Поздравляю вас Владимир и @klyukina_d!!! Я редко заглядываю внутрь процесса свадьбы, обычно со стороны сцены любуюсь, но ваш случай исключение из правил - краснейший праздник любви!!!

Какие прозвучали слова на церемонии, меня тронуло до мурашек, честно!!! Рядом сидели подружки невесты и плакали, чуть за собой не увлекли этими эмоциями. Я впервые почувствовал, в этом отрезке времени, что бракосочетание - это действительно искусство..."


Максим Сапожников (гость) / Maxim Sapozhnikov (guest):

"Свадьба была совершенно уникальной и камерной. Я рад, что мне удалось попасть на это мероприятие, ведь до последнего сомневался из-за насыщенного графика. Ведь это огромная радость стать свидетелем такого таинства. Хочу заметить, что организация свадьбы была на высочайшем уровне, проработана каждая деталь и все гости с удовольствием наслаждались мероприятием.

А Даша - совершенно сногсшибательна, светилась счастьем и любовью."


Guests' of the event / гости праздника

Sheida & Bobby, USA

Best team I could have ever asked for! Every single thing was absolute perfection! Nothing went wrong, which I know is very rare when it comes to weddings.


So grateful!

Sheida & Bobby

Maria & Stas, Russia

Все сложилось так, будто был написан сценарий к этому дню.


Когда любимый сделал мне предложение, я начала искать место для проведения свадьбы и я точно знала, что хочу провести ее в Италии. Совершенно случайно на отдыхе в Лугано познакомилась с Асей @anastasia_asl. Она мне так понравилась, что я доверилась ее команде и девочки из @happy.moments.collector воплотили мою мечту в реальность. Нашли мне просто невероятное место для свадьбы, посетив которое, я потеряла сон. И наша свадьба стала первой на этой вилле.

Потом я сохранила картинку с платьем от @galialahav, начала искать его по всем салонам Москвы, Италии, Америки и не могла найти, фотографий с ним было всего 2 и я даже плохо представляла как оно выглядит, но влюбилась в него и другого не хотела. И, представляете, мне его нашли, сшили и я стала первой невестой в этом платье. Спасибо @blanchemoscow.


Также просто мы собрали всю семью и прилетели за неделю в Италию и поселились на 800 летней вилле, которая по совершенно невероятным обстоятельствам оказалась свободна на наши даты.

Подводя итог, скажу так, чудо существует, его не надо ждать, оно приходит само и все складывается даже лучше, чем вы это себе представляли.

Maria & Stas

Lena & Andrey, Russia


Подготовка к свадьбе – маленькая жизнь, которой должна насладиться любая девушка.

Сотни чувственных и трогательных моментов – подарок, который дарят тебе десятки людей, в нашем случае, собранных со всего мира: Лугано, Комо, Таллин, Милан, Амстердам, Москва – собрались, чтобы помочь нам организовать праздник нашей мечты

Все началось со знакомства с волшебницами @anastasia_asl и @daria_fiorano. Инстаграм Аси, её чувство стиля и чуткость к деталям – безумно вдохновляет. Они лучшие – этим всё сказано.

Мы готовились всего 4 месяца, как оказалось, всего ничего по свадебным меркам: выбирали дату, виллы на берегу, создавали уникальные пригласительные вместе с @_letter_b, отсмотрели десятки портфолио фотографов и видеографов, выбирали музыкантов. Каждый день, мы делали несколько маленьких приятных дел, и так несколько месяцев.

Нас встречали @sunlake.catering на потрясающе атмосферной вилле в городке Комо на одноимённом озере, где мы тестили с десяток блюд, закусок и винную карту.

Мы делали наброски эскизов с флористом Маурицио, выбирали подходящие цветы, изучив их сезонность. Мне хотелось чтобы всё утопало в цветах, но то, что он сделал превзошло все мои ожидания.

Над моим свадебным образом работала @malinobeauty, которая прилетела из Таллина, вплетая в прическу уникальное украшение от @muse_for_me, которое Елена готовила для меня лично накануне торжества в городке Комо.

Свадебный день - пролетел как мгновение, в безумно трогательной и одновременно легкой атмосфере. Теплоту этого дня сохранит для нас @andrew_bayda, вместе с @denys_poluliakh - потрясающие ребята, супергерои, как же было хорошо с вами в этот день!

Прекрасная @meseptember подметит гамму чувств во всех деталях, с нетерпением жду трогательное видео.

Я благодарна нашему дню, который подарил мне столько счастья, и познакомил с такими потрясающими людьми. Свадьба вновь всё перевернула, широко открыв глаза на мир, в котором совсем не чувствуется границ. Спасибо вам! Я стала слишком сентиментальной. 

Lena & Andrey

Melissa & Kevin, USA

Hi Anastasia & Margherita, 


Kevin and I are emailing you to thank you both from the bottom of our hearts for the most AMAZING day of our lives! We are still in love, in disbelief and in awe at how perfectly everything turned out! We owe it all to both of your hard work and care! You treated us like family and we cannot thank you enough! Our friends and family are still talking about how incredible our wedding was! There are no words to express how happy we are!


If you ever need client referrals we would be more than happy to talk to anyone and ease any concerns. We would be honored to rave about how amazing you both and your services are so feel free to reach out to us anytime you need a review or referral!


You know we interviewed many wedding planners but when we FaceTimed Anastasia with we fell in love! We had great chemistry and you understood our California style & wedding vision. Planning a long distance event can be stressful at times but Anastasia always put us at ease and made everything very easy!

On the day of our wedding the lake glistened and the lush colors all around us were glowing. The air was clean. It was like the lake smiled knowing it was our wedding day.


The day of the wedding was stress free and every detail was taken care of. The boat ride, food, prosecco, wine, flowers, music and everything was perfection. Our guests still talk about how our menu was the best wedding food, being SF foodies it’s a HUGE compliment. Our wedding day turned out to be perfect. For us, it still is the best day ever. Everything exceeded expectations and we were still in complete awe of the day. 


We owe so many thanks to all of our wonderful vendors that made our day so incredibly special. We couldn’t imagine a better place to have shared such a special moment with our family and friends.  Lake Como is now our piece of paradise forever.


Olga & Andrey, Russia

Девочки мои дорогие!


Спасибо вам за всё. Спасибо за то, что сделали для нас свадьбу нашей мечты. Эти дни были прекраснее, чем мы когда-либо могли мечтать. Наша семья в полнейшем восторге, все говорят, что это самая волшебная и красивая свадьба на которой они когда-либо были. 


Спасибо за то, что выдержали всё, что вы выдержали от меня. Спасибо за ваше терпение и внимание к деталям. Спасибо за прекрасных подрядчиков, которых вы рекомендовали — все вместе вы сделали эти дни для нас и нашей семьи поистине незабываемыми.  


Эти дни пролетели как один миг..! Я хотела бы прожить их в замедленной записи, распробовать и насладиться каждой деталью, в которую было вложено столько труда и заботы. 


Однажды мы сделаем ещё один красивый праздник на нашу годовщину и надеемся ещё раз поработать с вами.




P.S. Очень скучаю по нашей переписке. Так грустно, что теперь мне регулярно не приходят письма от вас на личную почту!

Olga & Andrey

Sofia & Dmitry, UK

This was the best day of my life! On the 7th of July 2019 I got to marry the love of my life!

Our wedding party was splendid and I couldn’t wish for any single thing to be different! It was absolutely p-e-r-f-e-c-t!

I love organising parties! I love thinking through the details, talking to organisers, creating mood boards and channeling my creativity towards events that stay in our memories for life!

As one of my closest friends said “organising the wedding is often the first big project together. It really shows the dynamics between the couple”. I was truly happy because our dynamics was great and we enjoyed the process of organising our wedding as much as the party itself!

Our wedding could not have been more beautiful, elegant and fun without our team though! When there is teamwork and collaboration, incredible things happen! And our team was AMAZING!


I’ll share a bit more about each of team members but for now I just want to say huge THANK YOU to everyone who made our day so special!!!

Sofia & Dmitry

Guram & Lika, Georgia

There are a few days, in our life, that are really important. The wedding day is one of them, so when we started planning, both agreed that we had to made this day unforgettable, not only for us, for our guests as well. It was not easy to find the destination for this day, but when we have seen the photos of Como, loved it immediately and decided that it would be the best choice. 

We are from Georgia, weddings in our country are full of traditions with national dances and music, Although we decided to marry in Italy, we wanted to have some traditional elements in our wedding ceremony. we had music bands, our first dance was national dance and created a mixed ceremony of Georgian and European traditions, and we want to say many thanks to our organizers, to the team of “Happy Moments Collector” for making our special day so beautiful and magical! 

The wedding took place on 20 September 2018 at villa Pizzo, this villa is one of the most famous villas of the lake, this charming private villa placed directly at waterfront with the gorgeous lake view towards Como! Of course, We were a bit nervous about weather but on the wedding day weather was truly magical! With the effort of our planning team designed several venues for wedding ceremony and working hard to create spectacular show at this beautiful destination. Ancient Italian town with a modern lifestyle, located in Alps at the bank of beautiful lake Como with its breathtaking views and great weather conditions mixed with spectacular show, organized by our wedding planners created the real fairy-tale. We got more than expected, and we know that it was unforgettable day for everyone. Our guests still talking about our wedding! For us it still the happiest day ever!

Guram & Lika

Lucy & Alexander, Sweden

Dear Daria & Anastasia,

We would just like to say thank you once again for making our dream wedding come true. It has truly been a pleasure to work with you on this journey. We just got back from the honeymoon and we’re wishing we could do it all over again.. It was such a happy time and much thanks to you for taking away all the stress and being so open for all our thousand questions. You are the best and we are forever grateful!


Many thanks,

Lucy & Alexander

Anastasia & Devin, USA



We just came back from our honeymoon and cannot be happier how everything turned out. Everyone is calling this the best wedding they've ever been to and the fairytale. It's beyond my expectation and it's hard to meet my expectations. Everything went so quickly that I want to repeat it over and over again. A lot of guests posted pictures and videos and we are enjoying going through all of it. It's all a blur to us. 


Needless to say, we are still on wedding high. The beauty of Lake Como is indescribable, the food is the tastiest in the world, the talents of the band, photographers, wedding planners, florist and decorators is top notch. 


If we could get married every year, we would. We had no stress before, during or after the wedding, everything was just smooth and perfect.


We couldn't have done it without you. You went far and beyond for our wedding and it was perfect. It's a lot of work, we appreciate the work. We will be coming back to celebrate our anniversary and hope to see you then. 


Toria & Alex, UK

Hi Ladies,


We saw on Instagram that you’re out in Tuscany for the weekend – it looks incredible! I hope you’re all finding time to enjoy the gorgeous surroundings around all the hard work.


Alex and I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all of your help with our wedding day. The last month has absolutely flown by (just like the day itself) and our friends and family still cannot stop telling us how wonderful a time they had and how impressed they were with the incredible work that you did! We know that you probably have lots of weddings to balance in the run up to the summer, and some may be bigger or more expensive or just need more attention, but we felt at every stage like you were there with us in the weeks before ours and that was so evident on the day. You took our half-made plans and ideas and made them into a beautiful vision that we could never have achieved on our own.


Thanks to all of you for making our special day even more special. We hope that we can cross paths again soon – we’ll be recommending Italian weddings to all of our friends :)


Best wishes,

Alex & Toria

Caroline & Stephen, USA

Your search ends here. Hire Anastasia and Margherita! We could not have asked for a more professional, patient, experienced, kind, or fun-loving team to plan and coordinate our wedding.


Guests have come to us weeks since the wedding to comment not just on how beautiful the flowers were, or how great the band was, but also on how well the wedding flowed from ceremony to dinner to toasts to dancing and so on. There was never a dull or confusing moment, and we never felt stressed or unsure.


Our wedding was everything we could have ever wanted and more, and we absolutely could not have done it without them. We never felt for a moment that we were anything less than a first priority, though I know we were married at peak wedding season.


Anastasia and Margherita, thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for helping us realize the wedding of our dreams! We'll be fantasizing about our vow renewal in Tuscany... :)

Caroline & Stephen

Emily & Michael, USA

Michael and I have quite a love story. He is originally from Germany, and I was born in Canada, but we met eight years ago at a surf camp in Costa Rica. We fell in love and ended up dating long distance for four years before he moved to California to be with me. We got engaged in Big Sur, California, and had dreamed of getting married on the coast of California, but after a trip to Lake Como, Italy, we fell absolutely in love with the idea of an Italian wedding. It was the best decision we made as the food, wine, and romantic atmosphere can't be beat.

I found our wedding planner, Anastasia, on Style Me Pretty, and all of her weddings were so beautiful, so I knew she would be able to execute our ideas perfectly. And it was exactly like that.


Every day for two weeks leading up to the wedding, I would check the weather reports. The night before, the radar was calling for 100% chance of rain, and I became so upset even though everybody told me not to worry. I had been dreaming of our beautiful, floral arch overlooking the lake, our guests enjoying cocktails in the garden, and us taking a sunny boat ride for photos. Our friends and family all traveled from far away to be with us, and I wanted it to be the perfect day spent outdoors.


On the morning of the wedding, we had to make a decision, and I wanted to so badly have it outside, but our planner, Anastasia, who long beforehand prepared plan B, suggested we move everything under the tent. Halfway through our ceremony, the winds picked up, and it started raining. Looking back, all I remember is that September 9th was the most beautiful and magical day of our lives. It didn't matter that it was raining, because the only memories we have now are that everything felt perfect. Luckily, Happy Moments Collector was there to expertly execute plan B.

Emily & Michael

Ekaterina & Egor, Russia



вот и подошли к концу наши итальянские каникулы, едем в аэропорт со слезами на глазах! Все было волшебно! Спасибо вам огромное за ваш труд, заботу, воплощение мечты! Вы феи!


Каждый раз отмечаю тот факт, что вы делаете мир лучше! Беря на себя организацию двух любящих сердец и их близких.Просто изо дня в день праздник всеобщего счастья, бесценно!


Любовь ❤

Ekaterina & Egor

Stephanie & Luca, Switzerland

Dear Anastasia,

Ooooh wow it was such a beautiful wedding! We were all so happy and the guests liked it sooo so much! Once again I really appreciate what you all have done for us and i want to thank you again and again :)

Kindest regards,

Stephanie & Luca

Alevtina & Timur, Singapore

By luck we struck an offering of weddings in Italy and I remembered of my amazing ex colleague, Anastasia, who founded her own event agency Happy Moments Collector. It took us a year to put everything together, with of course a lot of help from Anastasia, who was the most understanding and supporting person ever! We have picked mid-September, lake Como. Just 6 month before the wedding we managed to travel to Milan together and met all people involved in the process in person.


It was a relief that Villa offered by the planner was perfect, especially as we could have all of the family staying over the weekend. The florist easily was on the same page with ideas that I had in mind. Food...There is just no point in describing, it's Italy.

It was a truly special day! All of our dearest people in the whole world came together to celebrate one of the happiest moments in our lives. Looking back it felt like it all went too fast but we were definitely enjoying every minute and for sure will remember that day for many more years to go.

Alevtina & Timur

Kate & Artem, Russia

I am very thankful to Anastasia and the team who helped my dreams to come true and was supportive throughout the whole process. I was very involved in the planning process and tried to think through and discuss every tiny detail on that day. I have put my soul trying to make as flawless as possible.


My fairytale got real, we've spent the best days of our lives with our closest family and friends on this beautiful villa overlooking stunning lake Como, I've arrived to the ceremony on a classic Como lake boat Lucia which could not be more romantic. We had our symbolic ceremony partially in Italian and we have read our vows we had written for each other and kept secret until the very moment when we promised to love each other until the end of our lives. One of the best moments was then my super picky husband told me several times throughout the day that this wedding could not have been planned any better than this.

Kate & Artem

Victoria & Sergey, Russia

Both of us were sure that we’d have our wedding somewhere far away from home. We wanted all our guests feel special. It took us long time to find that perfect place and perfect wedding planner. We weren't in a hurry looking for the right place, but when we found the villa we knew that we'd celebrate our wedding nowhere else!

We are so grateful to our wedding planner, because she helped us plan everything in 3 months total, and it turned out wonderful. The location was just perfect with amazing food, plus lake and mountain views. The one thing we regret is that it all passed too, too fast!

Victoria & Sergey

Anastasia & Eugeniy, Russia

В вечер, когда в Милане Женя сделал мне предложение, я написала Асе. У меня тогда еще не было решения по поводу того кто же именно поможет мне организовать свадьбу в Италии, но я знала, что Ася имеет прямое отношение к важной мне теме и работает в свадебном агентстве в Швейцарии, которое организует мероприятия плюс ко всему и в Италии. Сейчас могу сказать, что писала я практически наобум. До этого мы были лишь шапочно знакомы с Асей по instagram и не более того.


Меня немного гложил вопрос про самих итальянцев, ведь ни для кого уже не секрет, что итальянцы более охотно работают именно с итальянцами. И мне был нужен человек, который знает все подводные камни и особенности сотрудничества с подрядчиками, понимает язык, может честно мне сказать что ожидать и какие у нас есть перспективы и варианты. В конце концов, у итальянского агентства всегда больше связей, чем у московского. Я не говорю, что организовать свадьбу находясь в России и работая с росиийским агенством, невозможно, и у вас получится ерунда. Вовсе нет, всё будет отлично! Я ни раз бывала на таких свадьбах. Но после нескольких сообщений в facebook я поняла, что мне будет более чем комфортно работать именно с этим человеком. И я искренне считаю, что мне просто напросто повезло, что я написала в тот вечер именно Асе! Все получилось еще лучше, чем я представляла!

Anastasia & Eugeniy